Do you trust any politicians?

Friday, July 27, 2007

What Passes for Scientific Evidence

Too often shoddy statistical studies pass as proof positive in today’s media, and it is beginning to irritate me. How often have you seen the headline “Marijuana Causes Psychotic Episodes” or “Pizza Cures Cancer” or other silly claims? Ok I know that people are going to read this and goes, but I know there are studies demonstrating that people who smoke marijuana are 40% more likely to develop schizophrenia, and that is exactly my point. People take these studies as they first appear and take them as gospel truth, when in fact they are statistical studies passing off as scientific evidence. Statistical study is NOT hard science it is mathematics. People who read both my blogs probably have heard me say this before, particularly in my latest post "Cannabis Increases Chances of Psychosis”, but it is worth repeating, again and again and again until the masses get it.

Studies like this, purporting to prove something based on statistics, are logical fallacies of the highest order. It is post hoc, ergo propter hoc, which is latin for “after this, therefore because of this”, in other words if A happened before B then A must have caused B. Everyone knows that this isn’t true. Just because I wake up every day before I go to work, that does not mean that waking up causes me to go to work. However so many studies being reported by the media these days follows this exact reasoning.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t really blame the researchers, it is more the media and how they report it that is to blame. In most cases you can see a caveat that the study admits it does not prove its case, just that it indicates it, however the media glosses that over and focuses on the so-called proof. American media is worse about this then most, they take minor studies which are to be used as indicators for further studies and announce that they are proof positive. The public needs to take more care and call these media companies into check when such crazy reports are made. Stop allowing the media hype to form your opinions people, if the media reports something is bad/good for your health find out why, make sure there is actual evidence of this. Logical fallacies seem more prolific then fact base studies now, be on the watch.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Trans-Fat Ban

Thanks to Calgary’s proposed municipal Trans-Fat ban Trans-Fats are back in the news. The Canadian government wants to limit Trans-fat as well, but it has a considerably longer time frame, which is what prompted Calgary’s move. I think such a ban is a silly idea, especially on a municipal scale, how exactly does Calgary plan to regulate and enforce it? Calgary does not produce all of its own food, it comes from outside sources, do they really expect to be able to get all of the companies that provide the food for them to suddenly change their production method just to appease one city?

I also don’t believe that a nation wide ban is a wise way to go. Rather then ban trans-fat wouldn’t it be better, and cheaper, to offer tax breaks to zero trans-fat producers and enforce stricter labeling guidelines? The government should not act as a nanny protecting us from what we choose to put into our bodies, if I want to eat something with 500g of trans-fat its my funeral, no one else’s. Yes, I know, people who get trans-fat induced heart attacks are a drain on our badly damaged health care system, but there is a solution to that as well. The health care system needs to be seriously overhauled.

What should be done to reduce trans-fats is, as I stated above, give a tax credit for any product created that has zero trans-fats, plus charge an added tax to any product sold with over a certain percentage of trans-fats, change the labeling requirements so that the amount of transfats in any product (on the shelf or in a restaurant) is clearly visable, and invest in education so that people know the dangers of transfats.

Thursday, July 12, 2007


The anti-prostitution laws are one of many I consider to be a law based on morality alone that needs to be abolished. Laws prohibiting prostitution encourage all the negative aspects of prostitution such as abuse by customers, women being forced into prostitution, and much more. I think every feminist should be for legal prostitution. If prostitution were legalized and regulated crime would decrease, and prostitutes could work in a safer environment. Let’s face it the laws prohibiting prostitution have done nothing to slow down the sex trade, and there is nothing inherently wrong with prostitution except on a morality standpoint.

Under the current laws what can a prostitute do if their customer, or their pimp abuses them? If they go to the police they are charged with prostitution, if they take matters into their own hands they run the risk of an assault charge and a prostitution charge. And what about a “John”, if he or she is robbed or assaulted by a prostitute or someone posing as a prostitute, they have no repercussions either. A law allowing prostitution and regulating prostitutes would make the industry much safer.

The only non-moral issue around the prostitution laws, the most commonly cited one supporting keeping prostitution illegal, is sexually transmitted diseases. Both Nevada and the Netherlands have legalized and regulated prostitution, and in both places STD rates among prostitutes are incredibly low. If you issue prostitutes licenses and force them to use condoms or lose their license they will most likely comply, especially if you offer them free or extremely discounted rates for condoms.

Besides all of these reasons there is another less obvious reason to legalize prostitution. We already allow people to have sex in exchange for money on a small scale, the pornography industry. The only difference between porn actors and prostitutes all parties are being paid for sex, not just one.

How would it actually work?

A prostitute would have to apply for a license to prostitute. A full medical checkup would have to be done and if the applicant were free of STD’s then a license would be provided at a fee, high enough to make it worthwhile. If a brothel wishes to apply for a site license that could be allowed as well as long as all girls are certified and licensed, perhaps offering a lower priced license for brothel workers. All customers would have to pay regular sales tax plus a luxury tax in addition to the prostitute’s fees. This luxury tax could go immediately into the health care system allowing the sex industry to pay for the additional expense on the health care industry. Also all prostitutes would be contributing income tax on the amount they earn bringing in even more funds.

Legalizing prostitution is not only logical from an amoralist standpoint but also from an economic one.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Happy Canada Day

I hope everyone had a good long weekend and enjoyed Canada Day. Too often Canadians are apathetic about their nation, or we just don't announce to the world that we are proud to be Canadians, Canada Day is our day to do this.

July 1 1867 the Dominion of Canada became a confederation with the formation of the British North America Act. Although it has been amended several times it is still in place now as our constitutional document. This act essentially made us a sovereign nation and allowed us full legislative control. We broke from Britain rule peacefully and without incident. There was no revolution, no armed conflict, just the passing of a law, this is the Canadian way. Americans are proud of their freedom from Britain rule, as they should be, but we Canadians have just as much cause to be proud, we did what the Americans did through bloodshed without ever firing a single bullet.

Happy Birthday Canada, I know our national anthem is rarely sung, some may even have trouble with the lyrics, but here they are in case you feel the need to break our into song and see how many loyal Canadians stand at attention for the singing:

O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.

With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!

From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

Would you consider voting Liberal just to get an extra holiday?

Are you a membe of a political party?