Do you trust any politicians?

Monday, October 29, 2007

An Argument For Global Warming

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Howie's Turn 11:20

Howard Hampton's turn to speak. The A-Channel was wondering if Howie would step down as leader after this. Personally I hope he does. He may be smart, but he's as fun to watch speak as watching grass grow.

He looks quite teary eyed, did he expect to become premier? Although perhaps he's been into the sauce already, who knows? Well I shouldn't be so mean, Hampton's father did recently die and this is his first campaign without him, so perhaps that is what was causing the teary eyes.

Well he opened his speech not really thanking people who were there, but pointing out that they were there, I guess the thanks were implied, but it seemed odd.

Good on him for saying he'd continue to work towards first nations issues, and minimum wage increases, though I would expect nothing less from the NDP.

Wow I didn't realize he'd been an MPP since '87, that's quite a run.

One comment he made that made me laugh is "Governments have a lot of tools," of course I was thinking of tools like McGuinty and Tory, but I know that wasn't quite what he meant.

Wow talk about the bums rush the A-Channel actually cut him off when he began thanking some other NDP candidates. It could have been because he was just repeating his speech, but it didn't seem like he was done to me.

John Tory's Speech 11:00

Tail between the legs time for Tory. His smile looks quite forced, but one could hardly blame him, though when he talked about his first grandchild he actually seems genuinely proud.

Although I dislike his party and I think he is a tool Tory does seem to have the most amount of charisma out of any other politician in Ontario politics, though that really doesn't say anything.

He pauses briefly to slam into McGuinty a bit, but again that's not surprising. He is after all still technically the leader of the PC party, without a seat, but really that's not a big deal.

John Tory is remaining as the PC party leader. This isn't really a surprise, though if I were him I would step down in shame. He considered his campaign honest and disciplined? Wow he has an odd concept of honesty and discipline.

10:50 Dalton's Speech

So Dalton is doing his election speech. Well he sure showed off his French language skills. It was a typical acceptance speech, nothing interesting or new said. "I want to thank the volunteers.... blah blah blah... I want to thank all the candidates in all ridings for accepting public life.... blah blah blah." Not that I expect anything different from anyone running this time around. Not an ounce of charisma amongst the lot of them.

Seemed to be more applause for Terri McGuinty then for Dalton, she's certainly easier on the eyes.

He continually hinted at the Religious Education debate, I wish he'd let it drop as everyone else has. He knows as well as the fool who started it, John Tory, that it's done and over with it killed Tory's campaign though and McGuinty knows it. It's kind of like rubbing salt in the wound.

If he said "We are Ontario" one more time I might just have walked to his headquarters and bitch slapped him myself. Is he trying to start a new catch phrase? It's not nearly as catchy as fuddle duddle in my opinion, so I doubt it will catch on.

10:37 PC Party

Well John Tory did not get elected in his own riding. I find that terribly amusing.


Four more years for Khalil Ramal. Well I feel bad for Stephen I was really thinking it would go to the wire on this one, I was even thinking he might have a real chance at it. Well four more years of the MPP who is invisible. Sure he seems to do the job, but I can't think of anything of importance he did while in office. Well time will tell if that changes with this term.


Liberal - 71
PC - 25
NDP - 11

Well most channels have called it a Liberal majority for now, hate to say I told you so, but well I told you so. I am sad to see the NDP doing so poorly though, I had hoped they'd gain some ground in this election.

Referendum current result
Mixed Member Proportional - 27676 - 38%
First Pass the Post (current System) - 45409 - 62%


Lib 2304
NDP 1841
PC 1655

Province Wide
Liberal - 69
PC - 24
NDP - 13


NDP is trailing a little behind Kalil in London-Fanshawe, but Stephen could still win it.

Lib 1652
NDP 1376
PC 1195

Province Wide

Lib - 67
PC - 25
NDP 14


Liberal - 63
PC - 25
NDP - 16
Other - 0

London-Fanshawe 9:37

Stephen Maynard is in the lead by one poll right now.


Liberal - 60
PC - 25
NDP - 12
Other - 0


Liberal - 32
PC -24
NDP -3
Other -1

Polls Closed

Ok, votes have been cast. Of course no polls have been tallied yet, but it won't be long. Naturally, since it is my riding and I campaigned for Steven Maynard, I am most interested in the results of London-Fanshawe. It is expected that London-Fanshawe will be a close race, Khalil Ramal is the favorite, and Jim Chapman is a well known local radio personality.

Wow as I typed this some results trickled in.

PC - 6
Liberal - 2
NDP - 0
Others - 0

With only two polls actually fully in.

Polls Close In Under 30 Minutes

And I am calling it. I know no polls have reported in yet, however I am saying another Liberal Majority Government. Hampton was barely noticed. Tory started a debate he had no intention of following through in. Basically McGuinty will win because there is no one that made enough of a splash.

Live Election Blogging

Throughout the night I will update this to let everyone know what the status of the election is. As I find results I will post them here. Check back often for live updates.

Best of luck to London-Fanshawe NDP candidate Stephen Maynard.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Poll Closed

It looks like my readers are split down the middle with half of you saying you'd vote for McGuinty to get the extra holiday, and the other half saying no or only if the candidate were worthy.

Tory Flip-Flops on Religious Education

According to The London Free Press John Tory is expected to announce today that if he forms government he will have a free vote in the legislature to determine the fate of his faith-based education initiative. Technically this is not a flip-flop since he is still supporting it, and it could be argued that he is just encouraging proper democratic procedure. Since I am not a fan of the forced vote practice one would think I would applaud Tory on this, but the fact is I see it for the blatant parlor trick that it is.

What Tory is doing is admitting that the public has not been overly fond of his faith based school policy plans, so he is killing it without ever officially changing his stance. He knows that such a controversial topic will never pass a free vote, the NDP and the Liberals will crush it even if his own party votes pretty much along party lines, if even a few break ranks it will be defeated. This is Tory breaking a promise before he is even in government, which tops even McGuinty’s record for promise breaking.

Tory started the whole tempest in a teapot by saying that other faith-based schools should receive the same funding as public schools. The Liberals point out it would cost at least 100 Million more then the PC parties projected 400 Million, and the PC’s have no plan for how to pay for it. Now Tory is washing his hands of it in a manner that ensures his hands are clean. I think its time to show Tory that Canadian voters aren’t that stupid. Tory has practically made two issues his entire campaign:

  • Issue #1: Dalton McGuinty’s hanging from the telephone wire with pants on fire
  • Issue #2: All faith-based schools should receive government funding

How can a man who is breaking a campaign promise before the election even takes place be trusted?

Would you consider voting Liberal just to get an extra holiday?

Are you a membe of a political party?